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Rice and daily necessities donation program for social welfare organizations

Rice and daily necessities donation program for social welfare organizations

The Story: There are many disadvantaged families in rural areas across Taiwan who have improved their basic lives through long-term and continuous assistance from social welfare agencies.

We continue to steadily provide vulnerable families with the basic needs of rice and household cleaning supplies, which is particularly important to reduce the pressure of life. We calculate the amount of supplies required by each organization based on the number of people served by each organization and the number of days of use, and arrange for manufacturers to deliver necessities such as rice and daily necessities to social welfare organizations in need one by one. The organizations will then use or forward to disadvantaged subjects . During the delivery process, we will care about and understand whether there are other assistance needs, and provide the most direct and comprehensive help to disadvantaged families.

The Results: To ensure freshness and shelf life, rice and daily necessities are delivered to various social welfare organizations across Taiwan five times a year. From 2011 to the end of 2023, a total of 2,074,169 people have benefited.

The Future: Continue to investigate the needs of various institutions and provide rice and other related necessary assistance in a timely manner


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